Sunday, March 27, 2011

Today, Jenny Craig and Me - Project 365 picture inside post

Today was my final weigh in at Jenny Craig.  I accomplished my goal weight.  I do want to lose a little more weight but what I have accomplished in 1.8 years is wonderful.  I feel better and lighter.  I did loose a total of 53 lbs.  20 of it on my own before I joined Jenny C.  I have enjoyed the program, they have good food. I like the fact I don't have to go and sit in a meeting and listen to the same thing all the time.  I have maintained my goal weight for one year and will receive some of the money back that I put into the program.  I think it is really important to set a goal weight that is achievable and realistic.  I don't want to starve myself for the rest of my life to stay at goal weight.

My future plan is to get more exercise and just remember portion control.  It is hard sometimes because food is just so darn good!  I love to cook and try new recipes so that can cause a little havoc on the diet, but really if you eat just a portion and do not keep eating 2nds or even 3rds it can work. I am going to continue on this road for the rest of my life because, my blood pressure is lower and I don't have to worry about sleep apnea  any more.  I can go on walks without being out of breath.  I want to drop maybe about 10 more lbs but I can do that on my own time.

"Yahoo I did it!!!!!".

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