Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 9 and 10 - 365 Project

Well these two photos are very different in many ways.

Day 10 - My Raspberries
This year we planted raspberries.  I always wanted blueberries or raspberries. We tried our luck with the raspberries and they have given a crop this year.  Next year I am hoping for more so I can make jam or pie.  Peanut loves to sneak a few off the vine when I am not looking.

Day 9 - I Feel Pretty
Some of you know I found a wonderful new make up line this year.  Urban Decay.  I know a unusual name but great products.  I am growing my collection of their line whenever possible.  Here are is my shadow book of NY, it lights up. I also threw in some of my new eyeliners and primers too!  I love this product!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Love the pictures! I look forward to each one every day!